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Practice Managers Australia (PMA) is the premier industry body for practice management professionals. We are the ultimate resource for Practice Managers looking to advance their skills and provide relevant news, industry related information and insights in the areas that matter to you; IT, human resources, marketing, finance, strategic planning, governance and risk management.
Through our events, seminars and workshops, we provide practice managers the opportunity to network, engage and most importantly, learn from thought leaders and expert practitioners and organisations.
PMA understands that community matters. We believe that in offering a strong support system and a network with opportunities for collaboration and professional growth, we’re providing you with the tools to succeed.
Identify and implement QI measures in general practice to improve heart failure care. Claim incentives from your PHN* and earn up to 56 hours of RACGP accredited CPD for your GPs. Learn more by clicking here.
*Eligible practices can receive Practice Incentive Program (PIP) payments if they participate in continuous quality improvement (QI) activities and submit the quarterly PIP dataset to their local primary health network (PHN).
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Pty Limited. ABN 18 004 244 160. 54 Waterloo Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. Ph (02) 9805 3555. AU-22753. August 2023.
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